[recon-devel] SipXHelper class, unified logging
Daniel Pocock
2014-03-26 17:00:59 UTC
I've added a class called SipXHelper in recon

Using it is trivial, just call the static method:


This configures the sipXtapi logger to send all log messages to the
reSIProcate logger

Scott, would you be happy for me to put this in MOHParkServer and
testUA? They currently call sipXtapi logging setup functions directly.
Scott Godin
2014-03-28 18:55:51 UTC
Works for me - thanks.

Post by Daniel Pocock
I've added a class called SipXHelper in recon
This configures the sipXtapi logger to send all log messages to the
reSIProcate logger
Scott, would you be happy for me to put this in MOHParkServer and
testUA? They currently call sipXtapi logging setup functions directly.
recon-devel mailing list
List Archive: http://list.resiprocate.org/archive/recon-devel/
Joegen Baclor
2014-03-29 01:01:16 UTC
FYI. There is a better and faster logger implementation that is a
drop-in (almost) replacement for OsLogger here:
The old logger was deadlocking and we decided to simply replace it.
Post by Scott Godin
Works for me - thanks.
I've added a class called SipXHelper in recon
This configures the sipXtapi logger to send all log messages to the
reSIProcate logger
Scott, would you be happy for me to put this in MOHParkServer and
testUA? They currently call sipXtapi logging setup functions directly.
recon-devel mailing list
List Archive: http://list.resiprocate.org/archive/recon-devel/
recon-devel mailing list
List Archive: http://list.resiprocate.org/archive/recon-devel/